Why Surfing World Champ Filipe Toledo uses the BLACKROLL® MINI before competing

Why Surfing World Champ Filipe Toledo uses the BLACKROLL® MINI before competing
Why WSL Surfing World Champ Filipe Toledo uses the BLACKROLL® MINI to roll his feet before competing.
Well, to be 100% sure you need to ask him yourself
But we think that he knows what we know! What's that, you are asking...? 
In surfing, as in many other sports that require balance and body control, it is absolutely crucial to activate nerve endings and the neural connections between brain and body. Only if our sensors are switched on, connections are established and information can be received and transmitted clearly to the brain and back, then our body is able to perform at optimum.
The feet are extremely important as they are connecting with the board and working in two ways. The feet feel the wave through the board (brain input) and they move the board to surf the wave accordingly (brain reacting and telling the feet what to do). That has to happen in real time, so you darn sure want to make this connection and communication as quick, clear and streamlined as possible.
Therefore making sure that the nerve endings and sensors in the feet are active, connected and ready to transfer signals is hugely important.
A very effective way to activate your feet is to stimulate the sole of your feet by rolling them with the BLACKROLL MINI.
Several things are happening while we roll our feet:
  • We create good blood and fluid circulation
  • We release any tensions and movement restrictions
  • We activate nerve endings and the neural connections for improved communication between brain and body.
So using the MINI on our feet enables us (and Filipe) to get to a state in which the body can perform at an optimum level (better power, proprioception, coordination and balance). It also makes us feel energised, loose, warm and ready to take on the world. Just what's needed before hitting the water!
A simple little tool like the MINI can make all the difference.
The MINI is super light, small, travel friendly, sustainably made, affordable and it can come in your favourite colour. Get yours today.