This year for the Black Friday Sale weekend, we have decided to partner with an organisation that does good, looking into the future.
We will be partnering with Landcare Australia, a national not-for profit
Landcare are an organisation whom enhance biodiversity, act on natural habitat restoration and push to raise awareness and educate communities about better Landcare practices and recourse management.
On top of 15% off storewide, we will donate $2.00 from ever order from November 26th to the 30th to Landcare.
What makes Landcare Australia unique to any other national not-for-profit environmental organisation is effective partnerships and people. Across Australia, their partnerships support thousands of people involved in Landcare who are volunteering to protect local ecosystems that contribute to the sustainability and productivity of our land and water assets for the benefit of all Australians.
Landcare Australia is also a service provider and delivers major projects including the Federal Government’s 20 Million Trees program. The aim is to plant 20 million native trees and understory across Australia, establishing healthy, self-sustaining tree-based ecosystems.
Lets work together to look after ourselves and the environment this holiday season!
Learn more about Landcare Australia HERE