BLACKROLL® Certified Trainer Education - Functional Fascia Training
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Education Information Video
Education Insights Video
The BLACKROLL® Certified Trainer Education is here!
The full day course is a unique education program that offers deep insights into the latest developments in the area of holistic fascia training incl. activation, mobility, movement, integration, recovery and functional/performance training.
Consisting of theoretical and practical elements including relevant certification assessments, this course goes way beyond basic foam rolling and self massage techniques!
The Certified BLACKROLL® Trainer Education is suitable for any Health - Fitness - Sports - Movement Professional as well as Athletes:
Sports medicine experts, fitness instructors, personal trainers, physiotherapists, chiropractors, massage therapists, osteopaths, pilates instructors and yogis. Our education program caters for ambitious individuals who are passionate about health and want to stay on top of their game.
Upon successful completion of the program, you’ll become a Certified BLACKROLL® Trainer, able to provide effective fascia training, seminars and group classes for your clients and patients.
7 Fitness Australia CEC points available
35 AMT CEUs available.
See what other peope say about the course on our Facebook Reviews Page
About the Education
The course is focused on a holistic approach to training of myofascial structures in the body and builds upon functional movement essentials, SMT and Integration.
We’ll be bringing together a variety of players in the health and (performance) sports sectors to nurture hybrid knowledge and cross-learning. We believe that by connecting and sharing experiences in your chosen fields you will become more aware of the importance of injury prevention and self-healing through controlled and intelligent movement patterns.
The BLACKROLL® Education was developed by leading German professionals Dr. Lutz Graumann (MD, Ph.D., founder of Performance & Health Institute) in collaboration with Marcel Andrä (Exercise Physiology) and is based on scientific and medical research including the work of the academic Fascia Research Group at the University in Ulm, Germany, headed by Dr. Robert Schleip, Biol.Hum.
The program consists of the following essential elements:
- Activation
- Balance + Breathing
- Dynamic mobilisation (DYNAMO)
- Patterning of movement
- Stability + Strength
- Plyometrics
- Integration
- Recovery (rollout | SMT: self-myofascial techniques)
- Group training concept
What's included?
Upon successful completion including all assessments you will receive a Certification and a unique BLACKROLL Trainer ID, both valid for 2 years (Refresher opportunities are available).
Course Hand Out to take home
BLACKROLL Tool kit consisting of:
1x Ball 8cm
1x Mini
1x BLACKROLL Functional Fascia Training book
(Valued at $131.60)
Catering on the Course Day
All Certified BLACKROLL® Trainers receive ongoing reduced Trainer rates on all* BLACKROLL products (*minimum buy-in amounts apply).
Costs: $390 (Early Bird $349)
Language spoken: English
7 Fitness Australia CEC points available
(35 AMT CEUs available. For CEUs please get in contact before registering)
Qualification Requirements*
Educational background in the field of health / fitness, sports or medicine | A comparable education / profession. To earn Fitness Australia CEC points you must have a Certificate IV in Fitness or equivalent.
*When in doubt about your qualifications, don’t hesitate to contact us to find out whether you meet the requirements.
Group/Team sign ups available via email.
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